Interactive Typography

    This assignment was to choose a pre-existing text and transform it into an interactive kinetic poem. We were required to use at least five different fonts, create new formats, "break the grid," and display a visual and interactive experience for the user to enhance the meaning of the text through CSS3 tools. The point of the interactive typography was to think about the user experience and create a visual that requires minimal instructions and navigation to keep the user engaged and exploring the entire typography. 

    For this assignment, I chose Robert Frost's poem "The Roat Not Taken" and created four different sections of the poem to represent the four stanzas. The middle of the screen is the poem's first stanza, where the two roads divert. I had two lines of text split to reveal the rest of the text. Then, the following two stanzas are displayed on the left and right sides with animated text that moves around and changes colors as the user hovers over specific sections. Finally, the bottom section is the last stanza, where the text is animated to diverge again, this time horizontally, to reveal the rest of the text, along with edits for movement and color. I enjoyed the challenge of this assignment because I had to play with spacing and overlap to ensure the user remained entertained and captured by the visuals and edits while reading the poem. 
