Vector Mandala


     This assignment was to create an interactive mandala using Adobe Dreamweaver. We were required to incorporate at least ten interactive elements, each with its own quadrant and canvas that were all placed on the same overall canvas. We were required to turn the mandala into code and allow it to be a personal interactive piece without using Adobe Illustrator or any other softwares to create the images and different layers. 

     For this assignment, I found an inspirational image of a watercolor mandala that I turned into code and used gradients to attempt the watercolor effect. I made eight different layers of the mandala with two interactive pictures in the background of crossing lines that move in and out with the mouse. Additionally, some of the mandala's petals move across the screen with the mouse to apply the interactive element required for the project. I used gradients that moved with the mouse and the individual shapes and incorporated a rotation method to allow for user activity and a visual element to give the mandala a new look. I enjoyed this project because it allowed me to challenge my skills by adding different interactive methods, and it was fun to recreate something and bring it to a new visual level. 
